
Welcome little earthlings :-)

A healthy start to a new life!

support from the health insurance company

Of course, you can come to us without a prescription or referral. But remember, most health insurance companies also subsidize osteopathy for babies. Get a private prescription for osteopathy from your pediatrician or family doctor. Since most insurance companies reimburse three treatments on a pro rata basis, it makes sense to have three treatments on the prescription. This prescription is valid for one calendar year. This means that your own contribution is very low.

No stress in treatment

Choose a date that doesn't cause you stress. Arrive on time and plan enough time to find a parking space. Bring a blanket, something to drink and peace and quiet. An FFP2 mask for yourself. If possible, come without siblings, as this usually means a lot of unrest. If that's not possible, don't bring toys that are too loud for the sibling.

Simple, fast and uncomplicated.

Since you have already been to see us, we have already entered your data. You are already familiar with the practice's terms and conditions. Simply book an appointment for babies under your name and write the name and date of birth of your child/baby in the comments. If the next free appointment is too far away for you, write to us in the comments when appointments are available and we will be happy to put your child on the waiting list.

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