

osteopathyand therapy in Maintal

Sabine Elsässer

Berliner Straße 31, 63477 Maintal

Tel. 06181-9984128

Responsible: Sabine Elsässer Naturopath, Osteopath - Berliner Straße 31, 63477 Maintal

Contact: Tel. 0157-72 54 35 54;
Associated chambers: Association of Independent Alternative Practitioners eV Membership number: 4553, Member of the Association of Free Osteopaths
Legal job title: Alternative practitioner, field of activity osteopathy, state-certified osteopath (WPO)
Legal form: Self-employed - freelancer
Professional regulations:
Law on the professional practice of medicine without a license (Heilpraktikergesetz) HeilprG (BGBl. Part III, p. 2122-2), last amended by law of 23.10.2001 (BGBl I p. 2702) supplemented and specified by the First Implementing Ordinance to the Law on the professional practice of medicine without a license HeilprGDV 1 Last amended by Art. 2 V of 4.12.2002 I 4456

Exempt from sales tax according to §4 UStG.
supervisory authority: Health Department MKK
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